Visit California
Social Media Program

Social Media Program

Visit California (VCA) began its first foray into social media with the Spend Tom promotion held during the 2009 National Travel and Tourism Week. As a part of a larger promotion, VCA worked in conjunction with Sonoma Tourism to create Facebook and Twitter accounts to track the $2 dollar bills. A YouTube account was also created to post relevant Spend Tom videos.

In 2009, I created a general California Tourism Facebook and Twitter and presented a plan for buy-in from the c-suite. California was far behind when compared to other DMOs, both on the state and national level. 

VCA's overarching goal with social media was to add to the existing layered campaigns, creating an integrated program that creates a conversation with consumers about California, while providing information and driving them back to and other partner information.

  • Building relationships with key audience- number of followers and fan interactions
  • Fan posts of links, pictures, etc. on Facebook
  • Web site traffic-
  • Mapping to benchmarks
  • Return on engagement
  • creation of #VisitCA hashtag

(This work was executed as the Media Relations Manager at Visit California)